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First Year Students LibGuide: Preparing for Exams & Tests

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Exams & Tests


Preparing for Exam and Tests

What is exam/test?

*Exam/Test is a process or an activity that is done to measure/judge whether you have understood the lesson/module.

I have put these words together because they mean the same thing, just that the other is informal and the other is formal in an academic environment. The test helps you to qualify for an exam, while the exam helps you to obtain the qualification or the next level of study.


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How to prepare for an exam/test?

On an exam or test preparations it is normal to be nervous. Mostly on an exam if your DP is low, even in your second test if you did not do well in your first test you may have a lot of stress.

Do the following to make sure you pass your exam/test and easy your stress:

  • Firstly, you must have the time schedule on how you spend your time in a day, Monday to Sunday. Check the sample below.
  • Secondly, you need to study formally alone on a way that suits you, maybe study by writing notes sometimes it helps a lot. Try to understand than cramming it makes your life easy, so you can cram few things if need be.
  • Thirdly, make sure to do practical exercises from previous exam/test papers.
  • Fourthly, from a formal study and doing exercises from previous exam/test papers, take that knowledge and meet with your study group to revise so you can ask about the challenges you have faced from your 1st to 3rd step. Meeting a group without studying first is fruitless. With a study group please don’t seat and study but you need to be doing practical exercises that’s all.
  • Lastly, you need to revise alone before the exam/test. Do not allow anyone who will confuse you now since the hour is closer.
  • In conclusion, be confident and be hopefully. Confidence makes things possible, while Hope makes all things work. That will really easy your mental state.


                                                          TIME TABLE FOR YOUR DAY, EVERY HOUR YOU MUST ACCOUNT FOR:

                                                                                                     PRINT IT: Weekly study timetable | Life