Electronic Databases
Online databases provide electronic access to journal articles, books, reports, latest research on various fields, and other publications via internet. The Vaal University Library subscribes to 64 online databases that can be accessed on site or remotely by all registered students and university staff.
ACS (American Chemical Society) | ACS is the leading publisher of peer-reviewed research in the chemical and related sciences, serving scientific communities worldwide.Remote Access |
African Journal Archive(SABINET) | A retrospective digitisation project focusing on exclusively African Journals comprising an online collection of full text articles in the Sciences, Social Sciences and African affairs. Remote Access |
African Portal | The African Portal Library is an open-access repository of African research outputs that is initiated and hosted by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI) in Canada and the South African Insitute of International Affairs (SAIIA). Open Access |
ASM Handbooks | ASM Handbooks, formerly known as “The Metals Handbook”, is a multi-volume reference work (25 volumes) with a long history of providing the most complete information on the properties, processing, and applications of engineering materials. Remote Access |
COMPENDEX/Engineering Village | Compendex is the most comprehensive interdisciplinary engineering database in the world, including engineering journals and conference materials dating from 1969. The database is updated weekly. Remote Access |
Cambridge University Press | Cambridge University Press advances learning, knowledge and research worldwide, and publishes over 300 peer-reviewed academic journals for the global market. Containing the latest research from a broad sweep of subject areas, Cambridge journals are accessible at the Vaal University online. Remote Access |
Credo | Students consistently referred to “finding context,” … , as the most laborious, yet requisite, part of the research process.” Reference is the foundation of research. Credo Online Reference Service enhances the research experience by combining authoritative reference content with a one-stop exploratory search platform that drives usage of all trusted library resources. Remote access |
EDUCAUSE | research, data, and analysis to help IT leaders and professionals stay up-to-date on topics, issues, and trends professional learning opportunities to advance their knowledge and career, meaningful collaboration and partnership across the community, helping members build a collaborative network of colleagues. |
EBSCO-HOST | EBSCO-HOST consist of several databases, covering management information, newspaper clips, business information, medical, education and engineering articles.Remote Access |
Ebscohost Publication Finder Interface | is the industry’s most complete Web-based tool for organising and providing links to all of your library’s e-resources, including e-journals, titles in full-text databases and e-journal packages, and e-books. EBSCO A-Z offers users a “one-stop” search of your library’s e-collection, with easy navigation to full-text content. Remote Access |
EMERALD/MCB | Emerald/MCB primarily provides access to full-text managerial information, management reviews, etc. Abstracts available: international civil engineering abstracts, computer abstracts, international database, and computer communications and security abstracts. Remote Access |
ECS (Electrochemical Society) | ECS covers a broad range of phenomena relating to electrochemical and solid-state science and technology. |
IEEE Explorer | IEEE Xplore delivers full text access to the world’s highest quality technical literature in engineering and technology with unlimited access to nearly 2 million documents which include the following: 143 IEEE and IET journals and transactions, proceedings from over 850 IEEE and IET annual conferences, over 1,900 approved and published IEEE standards, complete backfile to 1988, INSPEC abstract/citation reports, weekly updates – more than 12,500 new documents each month and unlimited downloading.Remote Access |
InformaWorld (Taylor & Francis) | The oldest commercial journals publisher in the world, and one of the leading global academic publishers. They publish over 900 peer-reviewed research journals each year. Part of the academic division of Informa plc, the impressive Routledge portfolio covers many different subjects within social sciences and humanities and is at the forefront of academic publishing in these fields. Full text to 1916 journals. Remote Access |
INSPEC | Inspec is a leading bibliographic database, covering scientific and technical information from journals, conference proceedings, books, dissertations, patents and reports. Remote Access |
Web of Science Core Collection | Provides access to Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index, Arts & Humanities Citation Index, Index Chemicus and Current Chemical Reports. This three citation indexes support powerful cited reference searching. Remote Access |
JStor | JSTOR offers researchers the ability to retrieve high-resolution full text articles, scanned images of journal issues and pages as they were originally designed, printed, and illustrated. The journals archived in JSTOR span many disciplines. Remote Access |
Juta Law Publications | Juta Law Publications: offers access to wealth of legal knowledge available in South Africa including statutes, SA Law reports, other regulations, and other legal e-publcations. It also provides a series of writings by over 300 authors and contributors from academia, the judiciary and other private practitioners. Through Juta Stat Bundle it provides access to : Labour Library, SA Statutes of Constitutional Library, SA Criminal Law Reports, SA Appellate Division Law Reports, SA Tax Library, Indexes to SA Law Reports, Occupational Health & Safety Act, Road Traffic Legislation, SA Regulations, Digest of SA Law, and Burrell’s intellectual property law reports. Remote Access |
LexisNexis | LexisNexis covers superior local and international content from the followings sectors: legal, tax, accounting, financial services, health and safety and environment. Remote Access |
McGregor BFA | The McGregor BFA range of research products caters to the needs of the local and international research community regarding financial and statutory research data, JSE listed and delisted companies, SA’s top private companies, current local and international market data on a variety of financial instruments. Remote Access |
MedlinePlus | MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health’s Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free. Remote access |
Mediatheque-Numerique | Free open-access French Database for the use of all students interested in the French Language. Open Access |
Nature | The academic journals on Nature are prestigious titles in a broad range of specialties for scientific communities and established medical or scientific societies. We publish 42 high quality academic journals and 22 fully Open Access academic journals Of the 42 titles, 27 journals are published in partnership with a society. Remote access |
NEXUS/NRF | Nexus includes South African dissertations and theses. It provides information on all fields of science. Remote Access |
PressReader | PressReader is the world’s largest aggregated full-content digital newsstand, allowing you to access more than 2,200+ newspapers and magazines from 97 countries in 54 languages. Remote Access |
PQDT Open | PQDT Open – provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge. You can quickly and easily locate dissertations and theses relevant to your discipline, and view the complete text in PDF format.(Open Access) |
PubMed | PubMed comprises more than 28 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites. Remote access |
RefWorks | RefWorks an online research management, writing and collaboration tool — is designed to help researchers easily gather, manage, store and share all types of information, as well as generate citations and bibliographies. Remote Access |
Research Africa | Research Africa is the only publication to comprehensively track research policy across Africa’s capital cities and universities, providing detailed coverage of research-related issues. Compiled by our experienced editorial staff in Cape Town, South Africa, Research Africa is published online with a thorough, weekly digest of research policy news from all over the continent. |
SABINET | Sabinet – a comprehensive listing of books, journals, conference proceedings, standards & technical reports held in South African libraries. Updated weekly. Password: Contact your subject librarian.Remote Access |
Sabinet Legal Products | Sabinet’s Legal Platform supplies clients with an easy and seamless search experience to variety of legal products in one place such as : Bill Tracker, African Electronic Journals, all government gazettes, municipal by-laws, policy documents, National and provincial gazettes, NetLaw, Sabinet Labour Judgments, South African legislation, and Sabinet Bargaining Council Agreements. Should you need any assistance or training on the Sabinet Legal products, please contact your subject information specialist. Remote Access |
SAe-Publications | Provides full-text access to journals published in South Africa, and covers all subject areas since 1919. Also including forthcoming conferences and SA professional associations. Remote Access |
Science Direct | ScienceDirect contains over 25% of the world’s science, technology and medicine full text and bibliographic information. Remote Access |
SAGE Online | includes leading international peer-reviewed titles, including high-impact research journals published on behalf of over 245 scholarly and professional societies. Subject area coverage: business, humanities, social sciences, and science, technology, and medicine. Access to 570+ SAGE journal titles, comprising over 292,000 full-text articles as well as access to the backfile of each journal, dating back to 1999. Remote Access |
Sabinet NetLaw | Sabinet NetLaw: The Sabinet South African Legislation product (NetLaw) includes all updated and consolidated South African principle Acts, rules and regulations as from 1910 to date. It offers immediate access to Acts, Rules and Regulations, its updates and amendment acts. |
SpringerNature Optimum | SpringerLink covers information on biomedicine, life sciences, clinical medicine, physics engineering, mathematics, computer science, humanities and economics. Remote Access |
SciVerse Scopus | Launched in November 2004, it is the largest abstract and citation database containing both peer-reviewed research literature and quality web sources. With over 19,000 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers, SciVerse Scopus offers researchers a quick, easy and comprehensive resource to support their research needs in the scientific, technical, medical and social sciences fields and, more recently, also in the arts and humanities. Remote Access |
Wiley |
The VUT subscribes as from 2018 to the Wiley Core Collection, which hosts the world’s broadest and deepest multidisciplinary collection of online resources covering life, health and physical sciences, social science, and the humanities. It delivers seamless integrated access to over 6 million articles from over 1340 journals. At the moment the VUT subscribes to 2 e-books (Bioelectronics – from theory to applications and Introductory Bioelectronics for Engineers), which can be access at the same place as the online journals. |